Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dont hit a woman? Says who?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question outright. Your opinion on one part of this whole topic would affect the entire outcome.

First I want to delve into a side topic.

Equal rights.

This is actually the part that bugs me the most about this whole thing. Allow me to explain... and this doesn't go beyond the main topic either, so I'll try and keep my ranting to a minimum.
A very large hypocritical statement from a number of women is "we deserve equal rights". This statement is ONLY being made to the hypocrits. Don't assume I'm talking about you just because you're a girl and I'm being controversial. Here's what I mean.

Women want equal pay in the workforce. They want equal right in the court system, and *gasp* they want to vote! I completely agree with all of this. What I have is a problem with women who want equal rights one moment, then play the hurt innocent woman role the next. You can't pick and choose, otherwise not only are you degrading your cause, but you're making it worse because people will actually start mocking it.

So here we come to where your opinion changes the outcome.
Are you a pacifist? Do you think that no one deserves to be hit and that there's always another outcome and peace love truth justice and the american way? Would be nice, although it's unrealistic. I do think like this. I've never been in a fight really, I hate the thought of hitting people. If this is you then yes, I agree, women dont deserve to be hit, but you should ALSO think neither do men.

Are you a person that thinks it's ok to hit someone, depending on the circumstances? If so then yes you should be able to hit a girl. If a guy spits in your face and you'd smash him one, I see nothing wrong with doing the same to a girl. If a girl hits you you should be able to hit her back. I've NEVER understood some of these people where a guy gets slapped in the face over and over again by a woman, and the guy finally hits her once, and everyone freaks out because "you should never hit a girl". That actually angers me that people think women should be able to get away with stuff like that, but still treated equally in other ways.

Equality isn't a grey area, it's pretty black and white. You either want it or you don't. So pick which before the next time you treat someone horribly. If you think your actions would get you punched out if you were a guy doing the same thing... maybe avoid doing that.

P.S. Perez Hilton isn't human... feel free to hit him as much as you want. Anyone who makes a career our of hurting and belittling others for others enjoyment should be caned.

1 comment:

  1. As men we can't fully know what it is like to have to deal with the dangers of physical abuse should taboos not be protecting the ladies in our families. We too are vulnerable to abuse, but being often of greater physical strength, less so. Thankfully, bees sting less due to their bright colours. It's pragmatic for both the bee and the bear.

    I think a related angle and question might further be "Under what circumstances is agression acceptable?". Active, passive, direct, subversive, competitive, or otherwise. We advocate it in sports, sales, and going for a promotion for example, does this then become aggression with consenting adult aggressors? Just putting it out there.
