Monday, February 8, 2010

The here and why

Ok so the point of this blog is two fold.

1) I want to talk about science, technology, and everything related. I like this stuff, and I think that we need to harness this a little better. Hawkings recently made a statement saying we aren't truly safe until we get off the planet. This is something I've felt for a long time as well, and in order to reach this, we need to research pretty much every technological field that exists. Which ones?
Biology: To more understand what is needed to exist on an extraterrestrial world.
Chemistry: Way too broad. Chemistry will be needed for terraforming efforts, water creation, water filtration, etc etc.
Botany: How do we terraform an entire planet? Moss, fungus, all different kinds of plant life that do different things. From creating oxygen, to filtering out toxic levels of element and noxious gases. Plants are cool!
Physics: If I have to explain this, get out of my blog! :P Propulsion, radiation shielding to get to the planet we get to, exoplanet detection, and even as far out as asteroid detection to protect ourselves until we can get off planet.

2) Logic. From time to time I see stories on the news, internet, etc. I hear about laws countries are passing, policies organizations are creating, all kinds of things that infuriate people for many different reasons. From time to time these stories are pushed out to the people from the press, and they create a flurry of emotions. Sometimes these decisions are based on emotion. Sometimes they're based on the simple fact of "this is the way something is, this is the way it should be to make it safer".
*disclaimer* I already have a couple couple that will be out, later today, tomorrow, very soon. I am an emotional person as well. There will be times when I start a story with "This is what I believe" and then the story takes a drastic turn based on what I feel logic dictates. If you agree, disagree, etc, DONT do it in an angry or confrontational method. That's not the point here. If I'm wrong, tell me I'm wrong. But do it in a way that this Blog is meant to be written in. Thought out, logical, and intellectual.

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