Saturday, February 20, 2010

RIAA - Music Fines and taking over the world

So as everyone knows the RIAA are a bunch of drunk lawyers that like to mash random numbers into a keyboard to come up with how to fine someone for copywrite infingement. There is no sensibility, no justification other than the fabricated reality that these incompitent morons seem to live in.

To show what I'm taking about, I have a special guest today to help me work this out, his name is Basic Math. (this entire concept went through my head while i was taking a pee break... i know i didn't have to tell you this, but i wanted to).

A fellow coworker I know was bragging to me some time ago how he has a 500GB hard drive, completely full of ripped music. And, as ridiculous as this sounds, yes he actually did manage to fill a 500GB drive, and had another external drive that was nearing capacity.

So i'm going to use an average of 4minutes per song to derive my numbers here to show you what i'm talking about.

Your typical MP3 runs at about 1MB/minute
A 4 minute song with be 4MB
There are (approx) 500,000MB on this hard drive
This brings us to approximately 125,000 songs on this drive
Fine this person $150,000 for each infringement

Total damage done to the music industry by ONE PERSON!

$18 750 000 000
18.75 trillion dollars

How much is that exactly?

The music industry, globally, is worth approx $130 billion.

So the RIAA is trying to tell the public, that this one person, did damages that total over 144 times the total worth of the entire music industry? And this is supposed to be realistic?

How are they even allowed to make these ridiculous claims to anyone is beyond me.

That's really all I wanted to get out on this one. Anyone have any thoughts they'd like to add?

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