Monday, February 8, 2010

Starting things heavy - The Burka

Now before I go further, hence forth it's referred to Burqa. Why? Because if you look it up, that's actually what it is. It just doesn't seem the news agencies know how to spell that. (I hope I didn't just put my foot in my mouth, but that's what I read up during my research).

In France, there was a news article about 2 men robbing a bank wearing Burqa's. It doesn't actually state what nationality the two men were, but it doesn't sounds like they were Muslim.
So currently France is talking about banning the Burqa for public wear. They're doing this because, with the face covered, they can't see who the person actually is. Why is this a big deal? Well, really yeah. There have been instances in the past where Muslim men have worn Burqa's for terrorist strikes. I believe I read a story that stated the US believes this is how Osama Bin Laden evaded capture more than once. It's a good way to keep yourself hidden.
On the otherside, the Burqa is a very important part of these people culture and religion. Just because you're a Muslim family living in another country, means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the kind of person you are. We have "at home terrorists" such as the Unabomber and the Oklahoma City Bomber, and then we have people living here from other countries that love it more than these people ever will, and they're outcast as terrorists because of their beliefs.

So there's a VERY general outline of the situation. There idiots who robbed the bank did so, probably because they wanted to rob the bank. They either wanted to also give out a message because they believe in the ban, or they just wanted to use it as a method to get in without being seen. More than likely? Banks have cameras... you throw your Burqa off the instant you get in... I cant imagine these people weren't trying to give a message, but who knows?

The face is used as a means to identify someone. And there are some times when I myself find it shocking that the situation even arises. Should Amish people be allowed to get pictureless ID's? Of course not. Burqa's worn in passport photos and drivers licenses. No. This completely defeats the purpose.

I myself find it upsetting that this has been made an issue. The only reason it has is because people have abused it. But this has been a connection that has been made through-out the ages, many many times. Drugs like Herroine which were once legal were made illegal because people abused them. Speed limits are enforced because people abuse speed. And to bring a demographic into the mix, teenagers pay more for insurance because teenagers abuse their rights to drive more so than adults. Is it fair that 20% of Teenagers that are irresponsible jerks rocket the price for the other 80%? Sure isn't.

Now here's where I stir the mix. France is trying to pass this law and, for whatever the reasons, there are some valid points as to why. No it's not fair, no it's not right, but there ARE safety reasons for it. If you cant at least agree with me on that you're just not paying attention to anything. Would the bank still have been robbed? Yes of course, they just would have used a different method... Balaclavas in the winter time maybe?
Issues like this are very specific to the country you're coming from. You don't go from living in Amsterdam, then start growing pot in Mexico and whine when you get arrested. You don't go to a country like Pakistan as a woman and walk around in a Bikini, and then whine that you get in trouble. You don't move to California as a Lesbian couple, and then bitch when you get there because they wont let you get married. (nice segway into my next blog post right? :).

For safety issues, until something else can be designed, I have to admit I do agree with this law. I understand why. I don't agree with it from a religious aspect, moral aspect, etc, but i do from a safety aspect. Once we come to the point like in Minority Report, where every entrance can be fitted with remote eye scanners, then yeah. Or hey, even if something else can be thought up of. Other than safety, I really see no other reason.
And just in case my opinion hasn't been clear in this, this has nothing to do with the Burqa, or the Muslim religion, it's simply a matter of not being able to identify someone by their faces. This is an incredibly easy way to hide yourself, easily improvised, cheap, and effective if this is the kind of person you are.

Unfortunately it all boils down to the life long adage:
A few rotten apples spoil the bunch.

Sad, unfortunate, but true.

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